Linda’s first in her Sir Winston’s novel series, LOOPHOLE…Leaps & Hounds, has taken romantics, animal lovers, fantasy, and mystery lovers by storm! Linda was presented with the 2017 Producer's Choice Honors Award in Literary Creation in Las Vegas, NV, and afterward awarded the Literary STAR in the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles, CA. In September, 2019, Linda was again nominated to receive the prestigious "HENRI AWARD" by the Christian Literary Awards organization. Finally, one of the most cherished recognitions to Linda has been the endorsement of the most respected animal advocacy organization in the world, the Humane Society of the United States' (HSUS') Faith Outreach division.
Born in Louisiana, Linda settled in Texas at an early age, and made the state her lasting home. As Founder and President of the global pet accessory design firm, Lady Churchwell’s, Inc., Linda has carried an extraordinary love in her heart for God’s animals since childhood, and considers it a strong aspect of her Christian calling. After selling her company – inspired by her rescue Corgi-mix, Winston – Linda began her Sir Winston’s series and labor of love.
Her real life “Sir Winston” crossed over to Heaven in 2011, and her mother in 2014. In God’s perfect time and faithfulness, He brought a new blessing into Linda’s life in the way of rescued Corgi, Abigail, a/k/a, Abbey. Abbey is like a daughter to her, and has been a tremendous comfort and healing force.
Linda has served in leadership at Gateway Church in Dallas, Texas since 2009, is a graduate of the University of Texas at Dallas, has legislated as an animal advocate with the Texas Humane Legislation Network, and is a member of the Christian Women in Media and American Christian Fiction Writers Associations.